Hello there! Just wanted to introduce myself a little here. I’ve been working in the teaching industry for nearly 10 years and have met thousands of teachers over the years at trade shows and educational events! Beyond that I also have tons of family and friends in teaching as well.

I always joke that I was made for the teaching world because I’ve been decorating classrooms since I was a little kid. First my next-door neighbor. Every year we would get Del Taco and watch Swiss Family Robinson as we decorated all of her bulletin boards. Up next was in middle school when I would help my teachers decorate prior to the school year starting. It’s no wonder I ended up doing it for a living HAHA.

Anyway, I’m here to help parents and administrators find the perfect gifts for teachers!


How This Site Works

I know you are wondering, how does this site work, and what does ‘add to cart’ actually do…. I don’t know you, I’m not giving you my info. That’s OK! This site is essentially a giant ‘wishlist’ for Amazon. So when you add it to your cart on this page, it will take you to a ‘cart’ page.

When you hit ‘CHECKOUT’ it will simply re-direct you to Amazon where it will ask if you want to add those items to your Amazon cart. From there you can actually checkout on Amazon or move them to your ‘save for later’ area.

But at no time do you have to give me your payment info! You don’t even have to give me your personal info unless you want to create an account for keeping your ‘cart’ items or ‘wishlist’ saved.

Some of My Faves!

Here are just a few of my favorite products for the classroom and just life in general.

Teacher Gift Ideas
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